Place your intentions in secret


 Physical and spiritual purity is required to reach the outpouring of truth, and purification through water, as water revives ailing bodies and sick spirits. We know that any land devoid of water dries up until it becomes a barren desert, lifeless, while land saturated with water is fertile, green, and full of life, with rivers and valleys flowing from it.

Water carries the beautiful names of God when recited upon it, as it reflects the pure soul that preserves trust. If you say "O Exalted One" to it, it will bring you the abundance of the Exalted. If you say "O Benefactor," it will meet you with generosity.

The secret of this:

√ Belief in what you seek.

√ And the truth of it is good faith in the one from whom you seek.

√ And the success of it is sincerity in what you seek.

Why does water preserve the beautiful names of God?

Because it is God's memory. If you remember our saying that water symbolizes the eternal memory, or the Akashic records, or the Preserved Tablet, and as God’s throne is upon the water, as He said in Surat Hud, verse (7) {And His throne was upon the water}, we interpreted this as the nucleus in the memory. Therefore, to purify yourself with water, you must activate intentions, and intention is an essential element in awakening the memory of the water, as it is the nucleus of the action you wish to achieve, so intend the divine name

How do you intend it in the correct way?

Ponder upon it until you reach its nucleus, meaning its essence, and do not stop at the outer layers until you comprehend the essence of the intended name. If you achieve this, pronounce it over the water.

Intention is very important in accessing the secret of water, for touching the essence of the beautiful names allows the water to take the path of the intended name.

How do you comprehend the essence of the name?

Ponder upon the manifestations of the intended name in the universe. If you seek "The All-Knowing," you find it in His actions in creation. If you seek "The Provider," you find it in how sustenance reaches from the heavens to creation, where {in the sky is your provision and what you are promised} Surat Adh-Dhariyat, verse (22), and {God provides for whom He wills without account} Surat An-Nur, verse (38), and so it is with the rest of the beautiful names.

Water follows any path you draw for it, which is why writing in water also has an effect for the beautiful names of God, provided that the ink used has life, such as rose nectar or tree sap. Water is like a heart; wherever it is placed, it preserves its mold.

And every liquid you use, you also use its energy. The water from plants is not like the blood of animals. Animal blood carries the nucleus of animality and its memory, and the jinn flows in the veins of blood. The jinn, as we said earlier, drives imagination, so be cautious when dealing with liquids. I choose rose water for you as the best, as it is free from the imaginations of the jinn.

Writing or reading is a restriction or drawing of a certain path, and the beautiful names of God have a sound and a form that manifests in water. Therefore, do not use industrial materials as they have lost their spirituality due to excessive refining and manufacturing—they have been tampered with. Use natural water and trees, and do not write on paper but on wood (firewood), for it yearns for the water that left it.

The divine name is a fruit, and its peels are its manifestations, and its core is its seeds. We said to grasp the nucleus of the name and realize it in intention, and embody it by using water, for this will awaken the memory of the water and grant you what you seek.

The water of fruits is suitable for reading and writing because it reflects the memory of the fruit. Water responds to intentions.

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