Ever since I learned that the Throne of God is upon water, I was shocked and amazed. All Hermetic sciences, despite their extreme complexity, testify to a verse that Muslims pass by every day.
In Hermeticism, "the throne" is the sun, the first nucleus, or the singular light. And water represents knowledge, eternal memory, or Akasha. Before the creation of the universe, the first nucleus was in eternal memory, then separation occurred, and our experiences began.
The splitting of atoms on the surface of the sun is the strongest example and proof:
“Indeed, Allah is the splitter of the grain and the date seed; He brings the living out of the dead and brings the dead out of the living. That is Allah; so how are you deluded?” (Quran, Surah Al-An'am, Ayah 95).
The DNA is the throne
Have you ever wondered why it's called the throne? The throne of the state, the throne of the sultan... The throne is the foundation, the law. In its forms, (he builds/establishes) signifies building, founding, and legislating. Thus, law and the throne are two sides of the same coin.
The phrase "His throne upon water" means that His law and His Sharia are written in the Preserved Tablet, which is the eternal memory or the Akashic records. And the meaning of "The Most Merciful is established on the throne" is that the law is based on duality.
“He said O assembly, which of you will bring me her throne before they come to me in submission?” (Quran, Surah An-Naml, Ayah 38).
Some still think the throne is a palace floor, while in reality, the throne is systems, laws, customs, traditions, and foundations. He said, “Disguise her throne,” and when she came, it was said, “Is your throne like this?” She said, “It is as though it were the same.”
Sulaiman, as the ruler of the state, received Bilqis, the ruler of another state. Sulaiman disguised her throne, meaning he replicated it, welcoming her with her own customs and traditions. This act demonstrated Sulaiman’s mastery of knowledge and leadership.
“And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they bowed to him in prostration.” (Quran, Surah Yusuf, Ayah 100).
Also, some still think the throne is a palace floor. However, at the beginning of the story, when interpreting Yusuf's dream, Yaqub says to him, “And thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of narratives and complete His favor upon you and upon the family of Yaqub, as He completed it upon your fathers, Ibrahim and Ishaq. Indeed, your Lord is Knowing and Wise.” (Quran, Surah Yusuf, Ayah 6).
Raising his parents to the throne means changing the state’s constitution and laws to align with the creed of Ibrahim and Ishaq.
“And the Throne of your Lord will be borne above them, on that Day, by eight [angels].” (Quran, Surah Al-Haqqah, Ayah 17).
Again, some still believe that the throne is a physical structure and that God is a physical being sitting on it, carried by angels due to its weight.
I won't delve into this too much, but the number eight signifies the transformation of the universe’s laws into an octagonal form, where eight foundations will constitute the throne.
The throne is the system wherever it is mentioned in language or scripture, and through it, the ruler governs.
For example, we refer to dynasties as thrones, and we call the state’s system a throne. Every rule or ruler has a throne, and everything connected and unified has one throne and one origin. You can reflect on the rest.
“The Most Merciful is established on the throne.” (Quran, Surah Taha, Ayah 5).
Al-Rahman is the universal connection that unites and separates, derived from the word (womb), which is the connection between two or more entities. Al-Rahman represents the two hands of God, and “istawa” (establishment) signifies balance in giving and withholding. The throne is the system, meaning He gives and withholds according to a system, law, and legislation. Creation finds balance when the Creator establishes this system. Before creation, He was not called "Al-Rahman" because there was no one to give or withhold from. He was a hidden treasure and desired to be known, meaning He was present in the nuclear form like a seed, then desired to be known in the universal form, manifesting as the tree of the universe.
When I first stated that God manifested in eternity as a Lord and in time as a deity, I meant that God, in His nuclear manifestation, is God (the manifestation of the seed), and He desired to be known, so He manifested His Lordship in eternity, creating the tree of the universe and making this tree a marker of His names so they may know His divinity.
This is what I have been trying to say for two years. He was a hidden treasure in eternity, One without partner, and He remains so. He created countless possibilities in the past so that humanity may come to know Him, guiding them across the straight path to Him. We said that God preceded His past by bringing it into existence while being established in the future.
The tree of the universe is filled with wisdom, where the beautiful names of God are distinguished, and the universe manifests for Him. However, He is holy in eternity, and one connects with Him only through faith and righteous deeds. Any tree that follows the right path will bear its fruits, and its fruits carry the seed, which is your connection to the nuclear form. If you believe in your origin, which is your Lord, and do good deeds, you will reach your God safely, away from the wreckage of this world.