Free Will Illusion and False Spiritual Awakening
Previously, it was mentioned that free will does not exist because every act of will is a result of another will; in other words, it is a chain of wills connected to one another, or a sequence of actions and reactions. From this perspective, there is no independent free will, except in the case of non-action. I once said that the only true will is in not acting.
Every action, no matter how it appears to be a result of our choice and will, is actually derived from a previous will. For example, if we are asked to choose between two or more things, we think our choice is a result of our will. But if we delve deeper into how we make our choice, we find that it is based on preceding data derived from our experiences, not to mention that these choices are all predetermined, and we are merely selecting from them (an intellectual probability). In this way, every action we take does not express free will, except that matrices deceive us into believing in this free will when we activate what I call the special mode at the expense of the general mode. Thus, this free will is actually unconscious because it represents the correlate and connections, and we are unaware and unmindful of them.
There are many experiences and theories in this regard about free will. Psychologists, physiologists, and neurologists have tried to observe brain function and the nervous system to understand how actions are initiated and whether we indeed possess free will. In a famous experiment, they gathered a number of people and connected their brains to measuring devices to monitor their neural activity. The experiment requires that the person bend their finger whenever they choose to do so. To control it further, they placed a clock in front of them to determine when they thought about bending their finger. The result was that they recorded neural activity in the brain 500 milliseconds before movement, while participants were aware of their intention only 150 milliseconds before. This finding suggests that the brain makes the decision before the person becomes aware of it or becomes conscious of it. The recorded neural activity was called potential readiness, and many have disputed the results of this experiment, retesting it in different ways with more precise measuring tools. In other experiments, they found a simultaneous neural activity with the moment of thinking about performing an action, and the results can be summarized as follows:
Experiments showed neural activity precedes voluntary movement.
Traditional interpretation: neural activity precedes conscious decision indicates that the unconscious determined to perform the action before the person became aware of his intention to do so, thereby there is no free will.
Opposing interpretation: neural activity may be random and coincident with the decision-making process, thus there is free will, and it is not related to the unconscious.
Even though these two interpretations are contradictory, they both prove the existence of continuous neural activity – it is a series of peaks and valleys in brain waves preceding actions and intentions to perform them. When receiving external information, this neural activity evaluates it and generates one probable outcome – what we actually do. This is similar to what I described as intellectual probability or instantaneous change rates and slopes. It selects the appropriate translation with the external and internal data, and this translation of information is predetermined by a chain of genetic and environmental causes (the specific and general modes). This question has remained open, with scientists divided between the existence of free will and its absence due to the influence of the nervous system, which makes decisions before we are aware of them. However, the prevailing opinion among neuroscientists is that our nervous system acts before we do, controlling both the physical and psychological aspects, as well as hormonal ones.
If we accept the previous theory, this proves that free will in this case lies in non-action or non-response to the nervous system’s data because it creates neurological reactions and mood states that affect all avatars and control them. To exit this state, we need true awareness that allows us to move from a special mode to a general mode. Based on this theory, the nervous system and hormones act as a lesser god, controlling us when consciousness is absent. According to the previous, the nervous and hormonal systems are naturally equipped to interact with external data through the senses, meaning they are designed to deal with material experiences only and external matrix data. They interact with each other (meaning they only work within specialized or private patterns).
On the other hand, the so-called spiritual awakening confirms activating these systems and seeks to activate genes completely, which you referred to as awakening the part versus the whole or reinforcing the special mode. They view human awareness as its nervous system, brain, and unique genes different from other creatures (genetic superiority and uniqueness), thus distinguishing us from others. In reality, this limited awareness within the bounds of human sensory perception itself represents a limited mind, plunging us into unconsciousness due to the dominance of genes.
However, if we consider this definition, we share the nervous and hormonal system with many other creatures. From this perspective, all beings have awareness, but it is graduated and measured in terms of the creature’s genetic development (also proving that we are a derivative function of the animal, more derivative instincts). Even the idea that we perceive ourselves as humans and differ from other creatures, recognizing our spatial and temporal existence as a feature unique to us, does not mean our superiority over them because we share these things with animals. True awareness, as I have defined it, is a genetic mutation and is not derived from it; it is not a derived feature or instinct but allows us to escape the special state, which already represents unconsciousness towards the general mode.
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