The Companion and the Third Eye: Levels of Existence from Inanimate to Spirit


 Levels of Existence from Inanimate Matter to Spirit

Human beings are composed of five layers, beginning with inanimate matter, which consists of compounds and chemical elements devoid of life. Next is living matter, represented by animal and plant cells and all bodily systems except the nervous system and hormonal glands. Above that is the ghostly or imaginary layer, which is secreted through glands or the nervous system. Then comes the psychological layer, which serves as an indicator of entering or exiting conscious awareness. These first four layers are shared by both humans and animals, but humans alone possess the fifth layer, the layer of abstraction or spirit.

The Difference between Humans and Animals

Humans and animals share the first four layers, but the dividing line is the fifth layer—the layer of abstraction. Animals lack the spirit, which we call the faculty of abstraction, memory, and contemplation, allowing one to remember the past and ponder the future. Therefore, humans recall dreams and unconscious states, while animals' conscious and unconscious states overlap, leaving them in a state of combined awareness and lack of awareness because they lack the faculty of abstraction to separate the two.

The journey from animality to humanity begins from embodiment to abstraction, with the first gate to be opened being that of the doppelganger and gaining control over it. By controlling it, we gain control over our unconscious mind, dreams, and ghostly forms, which is the goal.

The Doppelganger and the Dream World

The psychological layer represents the conscious material, while the ghostly layer represents the unconscious material. Hence, we say that the doppelganger is the unconscious; it is the reflection of the animalistic self on the imaginary layer represented by the nervous and hormonal systems.

The unconscious dream mirrors the conscious awakening; thus, conscious awareness reflects in the dream world, which for us is the same as the world of spirits or jinn. The doppelganger is the entry and exit indicator of the unconscious. Just as you enter the world of awakening with your human self, your doppelganger enters the imaginary realm, whether during sleep and dreams or when you feel isolated or in other forms.

Humans have the ability to remember the actions of their doppelganger in dreams and can control their dreams and, generally, control their doppelganger. This distinguishes humans from animals and plants, while animals have unified conscious and unconscious states, living in their wakefulness and in dreams, intertwined with the spirit world.

The Doppelganger and the Third Eye

The third eye emerges in humans simultaneously with the breathing of the spirit within them, as the spirit represents the faculty of abstraction, memory, and contemplation. Looking back before the spirit was breathed into humans, there was no distinction between their conscious and unconscious states, nor between past and future. After the spirit was breathed in, humans stood upright, remembered their past, and contemplated their future. Here, the third eye appeared, representing a gateway for communication between humans and the spirit world or the doppelganger. The third eye is a backward-facing eye that sees the past, reflecting it onto the future. The doppelganger weaves a ghostly, imaginary narrative of your past events, serving as your third eye, which may be either closed, keeping you trapped in the ghostly world or unconscious, or open, allowing you to harness its abilities for your mutual benefit, continuity, and other natural goals.

Psychological Trauma and the Doppelganger’s Intervention

Psychological repression, both in the form of lingering desires and trapped fears, drives the doppelganger because they fall within the unconscious, which is the doppelganger's playground and a ghostly reflection of yourself in the world of the unconscious. In our interpretation, psychological trauma is a self-imprisonment in a past moment, trapping yourself in the world of the unconscious, ghosts, or the doppelganger.

When a traumatized person’s soul is trapped in the ghostly world, the doppelganger, or the unconscious, steps in when leaving conscious awareness, taking over the living body not in physical movement but in hormonal and neurological terms, creating an imaginary world, which is the dream.

When the unconscious takes over as a replacement for consciousness, it begins to cut the self off from the external world, building walls, for instance, between you and others, creating a closed dream or world ruled by the doppelganger. The doppelganger, in innocence, protects you, as any threat to the body is also a threat to it. Thus, the doppelganger is often not an enemy but can fall ill as you do and, at times, overpower you.

The Devilish Doppelganger and Distortion of Truth

Through the abstraction layer, humans remember their past, but sometimes this memory of events is distorted and untrue, caused by the devilish doppelganger, who fabricates a ghostly narrative. It alters events and distorts your genuine lineage, falsifying your history with a fictional story. The imaginary can fall within the circle of truth, while delusion lies outside it. These bodily knots act as reminders of traumas, fears, unresolved desires, and more. The doppelganger is the opinion you didn’t take, blaming you and reminding you of the negative consequences of your actions through the knots, presenting a negative narrative of your past actions, indicating poor decisions. The reason behind this is the ancient debate between humans and spirits over succession and appearance. Humans were chosen as successors, achieving manifestation in reality, while spirits remained invisible, becoming shadows with a grudge. One who defies the Creator’s command is a demon aiming to destroy humanity.

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