Sex, Love, and Marriage in the Balance of Spirit and Morality


Free Sex Under the Guise of Unconditional Love

Is freedom a true concept?  

The earliest signs of civilization in human history began with trade and prostitution, and this connection endures even today as civilization is often tied to the free market and free sex.

If we look back to Babylon, the concept of free sex was based on the intense human need—especially among men—to satisfy their desires or assert their presence in unconventional ways. For women, it stemmed from the search for a safe haven from male-driven conflicts, as well as the pursuit of guaranteed, lasting sustenance. Thus, men sought validation of their dominance, while women sought the ideal genetics worth bearing.

This brings us to question: is sexual freedom a product of spiritual liberation?  

To answer this, we must start by examining the concept of freedom and its spiritual implications. Freedom is a state of absence of physical, psychological, or spiritual constraints. In other words, if you want to do something without any condition, law, principle, or control, you are free to do it.

This leads us to the concept of conditionality, legality, and therefore legitimacy, which can be derived from either divine or human legislation. Even in a city like Babylon, where sex was permissible, there were distinctions between what was legitimate and what was not.

Some might think that humanity has no need for divine or human laws. However, the requirements of these laws are what have preserved the continuity of human existence for centuries. We also observe that the primary difference between the animal kingdom and humanity is the existence of detailed and ethical regulations. Without delving into the origins of morality—which is exhausting for the mind—we should instead confirm the necessity of ethics.

As we’ve mentioned, ethics are outward physical conditions and internal psychological and spiritual controls acquired either through material experience or spiritual inspiration, which comes from within.

Conditions and constraints are the basis of natural and even supernatural laws, such as natural selection, which is the standard for survival, adaptation to external circumstances, and the potential for development beyond those circumstances.

Nature, in its composition, is based on the correct conditionality for things to occur between their creation and their extinction. The presence of proper conditions (where conditions are circumstances, as in physical conditions) indicates the healthy existence of something, while the absence or alteration of these conditions ultimately leads to the natural extinction of that thing.

This suggests that freedom is unnatural and cannot be observed or seen in matter or spirit.  

The spirit, after all, is a collection of commandments and instructions received by humanity from a higher being of wisdom and consciousness. Human experiences have shown that, when humans detach from higher ideals and higher dimensions, various forms of deviation emerge, destroying the family nucleus and the core of human society, which in turn erases the significance of human gatherings around a sacred or at least worthwhile purpose.

What does freeing sex mean?  

Returning to our question: is free sex a product of spiritual enlightenment and awakening?  

As we discussed, freedom means the absence of controlling standards for actions and things. This is a definition of randomness and chaos. Desires require control, as evidenced by the wars and serious declines humanity has faced due to the absence of international laws that help maintain boundaries between countries or the local laws that regulate citizens' duties and rights.

The demand for complete freedom by any group is essentially a call for extinction, as freedom is an invitation to strip humans of the ideals that created and inspire them to build a just civilization.

Returning to the concept of separating sex:  

Sex is a physical, chemical, and biological process that stimulates psychological and imaginative responses, where both parties enjoy sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. This relaxes the nervous system and triggers the reproductive system to release sexual reproduction hormones, with the aim of keeping humanity alive.

As we mentioned earlier, standards for choosing a sexual partner differ between masculinity and femininity; masculinity values beauty and allure, while femininity values strength and capability. These standards adapt to the environment and customs, so that ideals of strength in China differ from those in the Arab world, and standards of beauty vary among societies, forming different social customs for relationships.

Freeing sex initially means removing it from its function as a reproductive process and turning it into a momentary, non-productive action.

Is marriage a spiritual value or a demonic bond?  

This brings us to the concept of unconditional love. Those who reject marriage base their argument on unconditional love, which we previously discussed as demonic and will now re-examine.

Firstly, removing conditions from love is simply the removal of boundaries, which are what define love and differentiate it from anything else. The constraints and conditions within love are the signs and symbols of love. How can something be considered love without signs, boundaries, or conditions? Anyone can claim love because it’s free (as freedom and lack of conditions are associated with the concept of the gratuitous). Thus, free love, without cost or conditions, holds no real value, as value is defined by boundaries: the value of life is defined by death, which is its limit; the value of money by its duration; and the value of love by its conditions and cost.

Humanity has defined marriage since ancient times and sanctified it in previous civilizations as the material and moral cost that proves true love between a man and a woman.  

Returning again to our statement that freeing sex, even in the profession of prostitution, involves cost and conditions, even if these are of low value.

From all this, it’s clear that reducing conditions or eliminating them lowers the value and sanctity of the bond between men and women.

Anything that is free of conditions has no set value.  

The difference between humans and animals lies in obligation. Humans are obligated, which means they are subject to the correct obligations to symbolize health. Obligation means conditions, constraints, boundaries, spiritual values, psychological values, and physical values.

Values from the three aspects we mentioned are determined by accurate, controlled standards. An action that deviates from its ethical standards becomes unethical, valueless, and meaningless because meaning is exclusively derived from value. To avoid falling into the trap of chaotic meaninglessness, we must increase the quality of standards rather than deny them, as they are humanity’s true capital.

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