Emerging from the Dark Night of the Soul


The Tranquility of the Reassured Soul and the Path Out of the Dark Night of the Soul, Reaching True Elevation

The Dark Night of the Soul and the Ascension of the Self:

The dark night of the soul begins by entering the realm of the mind, which performs a purification process, bringing you into a circle of restriction, where you prohibit yourself from all evils and vices. Here, the mind battles with the commanding self, which, no matter how many desires are fulfilled, never finds satisfaction or contentment. Thus, the mind confines it in a state of seclusion because it deserves to be imprisoned. Once you acknowledge your own shortcomings and your need for light, a window opens, connecting you to it. This window interacts with the voice of your conscience, representing your inner connection to the light. In this way, you enter the realm of the heart, which is the way out of that dark night. At this stage, the reproaching self, hesitant between prison and freedom, darkness and light, finds peace in the light or the window that opened for it. It deserves this connection to the light, and as it finds reassurance, it reaches the stage of spiritual revelation. The soul awakens and soars; with this awakening, the self becomes reassured, no longer vacillating between light and darkness, but now at peace with the light and the spiritual path it embarks upon. It abandons the hesitation and fear that once accompanied darkness.

Many believe that the results are what matter most, and this is the source of much harm, as it contradicts the spirit, which values the journey, space, and path. Thus, the journey becomes more important than attaining results. The commanding self constantly seeks outcomes and instant gratification, mistakenly thinking happiness lies in them. It hops from one result to another, never finding its true goal or satisfaction, regardless of how many results it achieves. Therefore, it is confined until it is replaced by the reproaching self, which belongs to the realm of the heart and understands that happiness does not come from rapid results but from savoring the journey at a measured pace. It learns there is a true, good purpose—one that belongs to you and vice versa, in contrast to the evil purpose. It appreciates the journey and savors each stage of life.

The Spiritual Balance Between Mind and Heart:

The spirit combines darkness and light, as it is both mind and heart. Darkness represents the mind's view of the world, while light represents the heart's perspective. The spirit unites and balances these perspectives in harmony and integration, enabling it to soar with a complete vision. Those deeply entangled in vices, drowning in darkness, cannot see the light and use their circumstances as excuses for not living as they should, as representatives on this earth. These circumstances are merely prisons and matrices that prevent one from reaching their true essence, akin to the body, society, and beliefs. Surrendering to these circumstances is a form of servitude, and a servant, no matter how long they live, never finds satisfaction, for they live according to their master’s life, unlike a free person who finds contentment in a single breath that affirms their freedom. How is a person different from an animal if driven solely by circumstances? Those who have genuinely recognized the Divine have reached human values, connected to them, and thus reached their true self. They have been granted the freedom to break free from all these circumstances and matrices, to live with their full potential, knowing that the spirit within them distinguishes them from other creatures. This spirit allows them to embark on a journey of liberation from all imposed restrictions, for they are not defined by what is imposed on them in this world but by what the Divine has granted them from above.

Humanity is not exclusive to humans; it exists in varying degrees within animals and plants, as it is a universal, existential teacher. Moving away from these values leads one into darkness and suffering. Anyone living this way is oppressed and deserves mercy and connection. However, someone who denies these values cuts themselves off from divine mercy. An individual’s problem is that they isolate themselves from the outside, thinking everything is separate from them. They harm others, insult, and act against others, believing themselves detached. In reality, everything they do to others, they ultimately do to themselves, as it affects the connection between them and others, and their actions return to them unchanged.

Many people desire divine truths and secrets without undertaking the journey, but that is impossible. Even if these truths were told and explained to them, they would not grasp or understand their essence because they have not endured the journey nor suffered to acquire those divine values, which require dedication in seeking them. Some undertake the journey and still attain nothing. Moreover, the journey is about experience—everyone sees and understands these values within themselves differently. You cannot make someone see what you see because this is a personal matter. Those who seek only results will find disappointment at the end, as they will find nothing, whereas those who journeyed, knew themselves and their worth, will ultimately reach a feeling that defies description, a profound spiritual depth that is true bliss.

If a person glimpsed what was destined for their spirit and looked at their life, they would see themselves resisting divine destiny, which is rebellion. Those unwilling to endure the journey and its hardships search solely for results. They reject patience and suffering, and rejecting suffering is evil. No suffering in existence can withstand the human will. Those who reject suffering reject depth and meaning, remaining on the surface and superficial. You either align with the divine will or go against it, remaining in constant turmoil for insisting on error and deficiency. If your will aligns with goodness, you will escape this turmoil, realizing you can achieve anything and deserve all that exists.

What Conscience Says to Take You Out of the Dark Night:

The conscience calls you to freedom, to follow the light, to return to your essence, and to abandon all falsity that does not represent you. It calls you to connect with your true self, to rise above illusions by remembering your true essence, distorted in this world. Many people hear the call of the spirit yet ignore it, justifying their actions by their circumstances, claiming they cannot heed the call, even though the spirit grants you the strength, desire, and all the names necessary to embark on the journey. The truth is, those who evade the call of the spirit fear freedom. If given free will, they would ask to be bound, to have someone else take control of their lives. These people will never be satisfied, even if they live for hundreds of years, for they are unliberated servants who do not live their own lives but instead live according to others’ lives, dreams, and thoughts, never reaching contentment.

A free person knows that all divine names exist within them because they have tasted the light of divinity, realized true love, and understood that the values lie within, even if they are absent in the outside world. This person finds peace in this truth. Anyone who has tasted from the river of sanctity transcends the influence of time and circumstances. How could such a person fear life or reject freedom? For they are now near sanctity and light, connected to dignity, which, in its essence, means elevation and uniqueness. Whoever connects to it will not be tainted by or exposed to any darkness, fear, or sadness, for they are protected by light. How could such negative feelings reach a place of light and peace? As God says: "Do not fear, for indeed, no fear exists for My messengers in My presence" (Surah An-Naml, verse 10) and "Moses, come forward and do not be afraid, for you are among the safe" (Surah Al-Qasas, verse 31). So, come forth toward your truth without fear of touching the essence or all its values. If you are called and desire to act in harmony with your spirit, follow that call without hesitation. By fulfilling the promise of the spirit, you will never regret it, even if you repeated the act a thousand times, as you have chosen the path of truth and what aligns with the spirit.

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