64. Answer:The true source, the false source, the matrix, self-spiritual awakening, the divine human.


Broadcast: Answer to Every Spiritual Question, the True Source, the False Source, the Matrix, and the Self-Spiritual Awakening

Questions about Dimensions:

Q1-2: How can we distinguish between frequencies and vibrations that comply with the law of nature and what is fabricated? You previously mentioned that even music can be from demonic influences?

A: I never said that music is from demonic influences, as I am very precise in differentiating between terms. I mentioned that there is a duality between straightness and waves; straightness is closer to divinity, while waves are farther from it. The more we move away with waves, the more we reach a state of meaninglessness and randomness. The closer we approach straightness, the closer we get to meaning, centrality, and stillness. We can illustrate this with the duality of life and death. We understand the meaning of life through death, and death is stillness. The heartbeat is a frequency, but this does not mean it is demonic. The heart’s meaning is in its stillness, its straightness. The meaning of a wave is not in the wave itself but in its straightness. This is what we mean: the meaning of the universe is absolute straightness.

People tend to see life as if it exists without death and waves and frequencies as if they exist independently of the straightness within them. Life exists through death, and frequencies exist through their stillness. The meaning of life is in death, and the meaning of the wave is in its straightness.

Q3: You talked about frequencies and vibrations being from demonic illusions. Didn’t modern physics discover that matter is vibrations and frequencies, and that in the universe, there is no absolute stillness? Even the pronunciation of letters is from frequencies, and the heartbeat is a frequency?

A: It’s true that there is no stillness in the universe, as absolute stillness is related to the divine world. As for frequencies and vibrations, we have set a criterion to differentiate between natural frequencies or waves and demonic frequencies. The first are connected to the supreme law or Christ consciousness and are open, straight waves, meaning they are based on a principle and law. Demonic frequencies, however, are closed frequencies not connected to the first law, random (and any closed system, even in nature, decomposes and decays), and form an endless cycle, which we described as the demonic wheel.

Q4: Does the source dream of us?

A: Yes, in terms of dimensions, every dimension contains a lower one, and the lower dimension is considered a dream for the higher one, which is more real and supreme. Since the source is the highest dimension, we are, for it, a fantasy or dream. This is relative, not absolute, meaning from the source's perspective. Our dimension is real for us, and dreams are dreams for our reality. The dream itself is real for those within it who don’t realize they are dreaming and believe it to be reality. The same applies to the interaction of dimensions.

Q5: Sometimes I feel that this world is a dream. Do you think it is?

A: From a higher dimension’s perspective, this world is a dream, but for us, it is reality, and you should not treat it as a dream.

Q6: How can one escape the wheel of reincarnation, and what happens afterward? Will we become gods or spirits wandering the universe?

A: I do not say we will become gods after escaping the wheel of reincarnation. Rather, we will move from our current nature to a celestial nature. This is well known; for example, Hermes is known for transforming into a celestial nature, and many others are famous for this. Belief or disbelief in this is up to you. Beyond all this, those who seek an exit will search for one.

Q7: How can we escape?

A: It is a journey of life, perhaps even lifetimes, though I can’t be sure. One realizes whether they remain here because they are still attached to some form of life or if they move elsewhere. It is difficult to define a clear path to escape, and one cannot speak of it in specific terms. But it is a path that involves all the names, such as asceticism and wisdom, where a person acquires all models of ascension or names and thus exits this orbit and circulation. The soul escapes and is no longer trapped by this snare. You must eliminate all your mistakes, and these mistakes are summarized in the seven known sins like laziness, greed, and arrogance. These result from a lack of names, ascension, and energies that you possess. For example, an arrogant person lacks wisdom. If they had wisdom, they would be humble. Every sin has a corresponding deficiency, and as long as you have sins, you will be caught again in one way or another. Think of it as gravity. As long as something pulls you and holds you in this world, you will come back. When you rid yourself of all this, you will escape because you no longer need this world, and the world no longer needs you.

Q8: Does the pursuit of money bring you back to this world?

A: The issue is not about money or similar matters. Salvation is related to sincerity. You determine who or what you are sincere to, and that is the real question. Are you ready to give up your desires and pleasures, like indulgence in exchange for pain? If you are willing to do anything for money, for example, you will repeat the cycle of desire because you still want it.

Q9: Who benefits from the wheel of reincarnation? Does the soul judge itself?

A: Those who benefit from reincarnation are the shadows. When truth and the rest of the names diminish, the shadow benefits. Those who live far from the source—shadows are always veiled from the sun. Demons, the rebellious, and reptiles live in shadows and darkness, and they feed on you.

Questions about Programming, the Matrix, Consciousness, and the Source:

Q10: What comes first, the cause or the result?

A: In programming, the cause is an input or premise, and the result is an output. There is a tone or logic between every cause and its result, and this tone or logic precedes the existence of all causes and results because it is the first emanation or what we called Christ consciousness.

Q11: Does Christ consciousness imply a preference for Christianity?

A: This is unrelated to the Christian religion. The Messiah (Messianism) is awaited in every religion. The Christ we speak of is the highest degree of consciousness and has nothing to do with preferring one religion over another. He is the awaited Messiah who represents the salvation of humanity.

- Q12: What about the consciousness of Muhammad, and does the general wait for a savior mean that we are still stuck in beliefs?

A: In our broadcast about programming, we explained that beliefs or programs are an inevitable necessity, as nothing can exist without programming, whether in thought or otherwise. Salvation does not mean getting rid of programming, but rather reaching the ideal and exemplary programming.

As for waiting, they are expecting a savior embodied in a specific person. However, we are not talking about a person, but about a stage, a rank, or an ascension that humanity will eventually reach.

- Q13: Are the teachings of the prophets obscure, or have they lost their true meaning over time?

A: These matters are not important, whether they are obscure or enlightened. What is important is your search for truth and light and valuing it wherever you find it. You seek the truth for its own sake, so it doesn’t matter where you find it.

- Q14: Are the stories about the Anunnaki real, or are most of them lies?

A: I believe that most of them are exaggerations and lies or simply derived from one story, which they turned into many stories.

- Q15: Was Buddha a prophet?

A: Prophethood in civilizations is a Middle Eastern term. Therefore, the term prophet is not absolute or recorded in the Preserved Tablet. The meaning of a term is an agreement among a certain group of individuals. For instance, if you go to Japan, you will find that the equivalent of the term prophet for them is "god," but not in the sense of absolute divinity. So, first, you must define what you mean by the term prophet. The Middle Eastern civilizations believe they are the standard for consciousness, and thus their division of terms like prophet and god is considered correct to the extent that they cannot grasp the concept of the Christian sonship because their linguistic framework doesn’t allow it.

Buddha is not a stage of consciousness, but rather a method or way, just as we say "the way of someone in consciousness." We find the term "way" used among Sufis; it’s just methods that led them to certain things, and we don’t judge them as right or wrong. You need to free yourself from the chains of slavery because, in the end, it’s up to you.

- Q16: The word prophet is in the Quran, do you believe in the Quran?

A: I am free, so I don’t believe in anything absolutely, nor do I disbelieve in anything absolutely. Try to understand the idea of freedom to understand me. There is nothing to believe or disbelieve in without conditions. Instead, you use your mind to judge everything, to believe in what you comprehend and are drawn to. You cannot believe in something you don’t comprehend, know, or understand.

- Q17: There are shadow governments in the world hiding true knowledge and history from humanity, such as the pyramids and the South Pole...

A: These matters don’t concern me, and I don’t seek or immerse myself in them to avoid manipulation and deception. What matters to me is my connection with myself because that is the truth I desire. If it relates to the truth of my being and connecting with it, I will speak about it. Otherwise, I won’t, because the content of the channel is about the human self, using awareness and wisdom, not searching for mysteries and puzzles.

- Q18: What is your opinion on the topic of human free will?

A: Humans have free will, but on an individual level, you cannot impose your commands or tell someone to do something. Those who strip you of your freedom and manipulate you are the lords of the Matrix. But regarding the first source, you are free. Suppose you were the only being on this Earth; what would prevent you from doing what you want? The things that prevent you are the social, religious, and psychological systems and programs. Everything is a form of programming, and programming allows us to live together. However, we need to reach an ideal programming that enables individuals to achieve greater freedom.

- Q19: Where does our freedom end?

A: Within the limits allowed by the programming.

- Q20: Do entities like jinn exist, or are they part of imagination?

A: Yes, they exist but within the realm of imagination. There is a difference between delusion and imagination. Imagination is the opposite of reality; it is both separate from and intertwined with reality, not disconnected from the truth. It could be a dream, a hallucination, and the jinn are among these things. However, the devil falls under delusion because delusion is against truth and reality, as it is disconnected from truth.

- Q21: Sometimes you talk about the Preserved Tablet and the story of Adam, and other times you say all these things are from the Lord of the Matrix. Is the truth intertwined, or what do you mean?

A: I did not say these things are from the Lord of the Matrix. I said that the Lord of the Matrix exploits these things for his benefit. The symbolism of all these stories is entirely accurate, from the fall of Adam, the devil, heaven, and hell... All these are divine programs, but the Lord of the Matrix reshapes and reprograms them.

The Lord of the Matrix claims to be the source, but he is not. The external source is the Lord of the Matrix, and in reality, he is just someone seeking to exploit people's energies. He is merely selfish and narcissistic, looking for energy, attention, and servitude. He doesn’t believe in the inner self or in the individuality and freedom of people... This is the Lord of the Matrix.

We spoke about the idea of the external Lord because everything comes from within, and he tries to convince you that he is the provider, for example, and that if you don’t obey him, you will get nothing and will be punished. He wants to make his existence central.

Q25: The false source is darkness. Will the earth shine with the light of its Lord?

A: Yes, there will be a luminous civilization, and that is my certainty.

Q26: Why have prophets ceased for 1400 years, and no new prophet has appeared?

A: Prophets, philosophers, sages, reformers, and spiritualists—everyone who has spoken wisdom or knowledge or divinity—have all been exploited by the matrix. They have been judged, persecuted, killed, and wars have been waged in their names. The matrix is based on exploitation; it exploits me to lead you into a programming that serves the matrix. I always hide the truth, camouflage it, and exploit the knowledge and wisdom I possess, providing you with no real salvation, while I am the only beneficiary. However, I always want you to be independent of others and provide you with what stimulates your self-reliance and independence. Your independence and self-actualization are what the true Lord desires, while the false source wants everyone to connect to a single center, obeying and worshiping it alone. If you deviate, you are threatened with rejection, torment, and death.

Q27: Are there many prophets in our time who speak the word of truth?

A: Yes, they exist at a level of consciousness, but the matrix is what prevents their existence so that no one connects with the source. No matter who it is, even if they fell from the sky, they do not give people connection with their essence, do not grant them freedom and will, do not enhance the individual's wisdom, and do not teach people or give them their rights as human beings. They are considered a model of the matrix that defines roles to serve it.

Q28: Do you think the reason for blind adherence to programming is fear? Or is it due to the unwillingness of people to take responsibility for themselves and their lives?

A: All of this is true; people are frightened and terrorized so that they do not become free, take responsibility, and are seduced by the advantages of servitude.

Q29: What is divine programming in one word?

A: Divine programming is the ability to evolve, learn, and make self-decisions. Add selfhood to any other word; this is the divine programming that gives you the confidence that you can do anything independently, that you can learn and find your uniqueness. The matrix, on the other hand, tries to program you; it does not want your independence and selfhood, as that does not serve you.

Q30: Is there any meaning to the concept of "sacred," or is it merely a mechanism of control?

A: In divine programming, there is the concept of the sacred, which is the programming self.

Q31: Is the instinct for control what drives them?

A: The instinct for control and to be a center and pole for everything. If I want to be the center and spiritual reference for you, I will refuse all forms of your self-independence. You must depend on my videos and not think or be independent, and you must not have a self. I alone possess it, and I alone have the spirit and am connected to the source. This is just an example. However, in sacred divine programming, I am compelled to trust your selfhood, and I should not dominate you or fill you with information. I do not throw out information; rather, I correct thinking and perception mechanisms and show you how to act logically. If I fill you up, you become a slave to what you are filled with. Therefore, I always ensure you remain empty. The individual must genuinely trust in their self; I am not speaking here from the perspective of personal development. You must find your own path; this is your life.

Questions About the Journey and Spiritual Awakening:

Q32: I am strongly attracted to esotericism and admire their ideas, even though I am superficial to the core?

A: You cannot separate the inner from the outer, just as you cannot separate life from death. All dualities either exist together or do not exist at all. A person immersed only in the outer or the inner is as if they do not exist. The inner and outer enhance each other; thus, there is nothing strange in your attraction to the inner while being superficial because the essence of the inner and outer is one, which is the middle.

Q33: How can I erase my sins with one word from you?

A: Sensing the presence of the source and the presence of God and His names is enough for that. Try to be silent while sensing the divine presence; this is sufficient to purify you. The true God knows what is within you and waits for you to show some silence, stability, and surrender. Be silent, and you will find everything you want. A small child moves, screams, and cries for things that are in his hands.

Q34: I dedicated all my deeds to the face of the Creator until my heart was affected. I do not regret it, but it is a message I do not understand to this day?

A: You did not come to this life just to live; you will die even if you are in excellent health. Your heart, no matter how healthy, will stop one day. The main goal is to understand the wisdom and essence that exists between life and death. Try to find what is beyond all this; what has happened has happened. Humanity exaggerates its love for life, trying to taste immortality in a false way and fleeing from death. Death is not something to fear. What you flee from contains everything you want. You must go through the experience; there is no meaning to the word without experience, nor is there meaning to the idea without applying it to reality. There is no meaning to heaven without the existence of earth, and the Creator cannot exist without the created. The divine cannot be without the worshiped, the higher cannot be without the lower, and likewise, life cannot exist without death. The unity and harmony between these dualities are what matter. The important thing is how you reconcile your life with your death; how you find agreement between them is what is required.

Q35: Talk to us about the laws of Hermes in simple terms and examples.

A: Everything we have discussed is related to these laws, from type to gender, polarity, and correspondence. Ultimately, you must reach the supreme law, which is rationality. Rationality, in the language, comes from reason, meaning connection. It is the link that connects between the two poles: life and death, heaven and earth, male and female, yourself and the other, the silence that exists between your breaths. Rationality exists between every two things.

Q36: Is it possible to share with us a way to cleanse suppressed emotions and wounds easily?

A: Know that these wounds and their suppressed emotions have occurred and ended. The reason for their continuity is your lack of understanding and awareness of the wisdom behind their occurrence; hence, they remain ongoing. These emotions were created to remind you that you do not belong to this lowliness and that you are not earthly. The difference between humans and animals is this sense, which is a noble quality that distinguishes humans. Therefore, you should consider these wounds and emotions as a reminder that you are not from here. A person without suffering is a hollow surface. In the darkness of suffering, you find the light, which is contrary to what the superficial claim. In confronting darkness, true light will reveal itself, and in facing suffering, true salvation will emerge. If you are wounded, for example, do not look for a way to escape the wound and pain, as this will only increase your repression and complexities. Rather, you must free yourself from this to find your salvation. Salvation comes from facing the pain because pain is the wisdom that follows every experience. If you are wounded, this is natural because you are human, and humans get hurt and suffer. If you do not react to something, do not get hurt, and do not feel pain, you are not human. Humanity suffers to find its humane path. It is easy to hit pleasure with pain as animals do, and it is easy to immerse oneself in illusion whenever pain befalls you, and this is animalistic submission. However, it is much harder to face pain and seek the wisdom of death and the reality behind things. Wounds are wisdom.

Q37: The tear is the human.

A: I said in my earlier writings, "What is man but a tear that fell from divinity as a consolation for the lower?" This symbolizes the fall of Adam in myths and civilizations from a high status. The closest symbolism of divinity in man is his fallen tear. "Am I a tear that has fallen from You, O God, or are You a tear that has fallen from me, O God?" Thus, the fall of my tear in the suffering of existence is divinity... The tongue fails to provide an answer to this if you are not on this path. Therefore, forgive me; I cannot fully explain it to you because the suffering is extensive to talk about. Humanity has, since ancient times, acted under the influence of the devil as a tendency and motive, attempting to find exits and outlets from their suffering through drugs, alcohol, debauchery, sex, and various types of intoxications. Yet, they have not been saved. Their strong escape from suffering has left them with nothing but setbacks. A person who wants to awaken in a true sense must face suffering and darkness. When you confront darkness, you discover that you are divine light, and nothing can consume you—neither darkness nor evil—because you are certain of your goodness and aware of the divinity and majesty within you. You can only be sure of this when you venture into

Q38: Can we hear the Creator with our ears in solitude?

A: It's not about possibility or impossibility, but about how connected you are to Him, your responsiveness, and your understanding of His symbols, signs, and language. If you master His language, it doesn't matter how you hear or see Him with your ears or eyes; what's important is understanding that everything is a message directed to you—every breath, every letter, every sight, texture, smell, or taste. The issue is awareness: are you conscious of the symbols or signals that reach you, or not? People wait for a sign as if God were absent from them before they seek a sign, thinking that God exists only after their repentance. This is incorrect; the signal has always been there. God does not react at the moment to send you a signal. They project their own emotions onto the source, thinking that someone fervently prayed and was granted their wish, which is wrong. What you seek and need is already given to you, and this is a reality, not a metaphor. You cannot ask for something that is not within you. Awareness is not about scattered information on the surface; it is a deep connection to what you possess within yourself. The connection to the source is essentially the connection of a person to their own source or self, and this is the truth.

Q39: How can we understand the signals?

A: Those who seek understanding will comprehend. This is not mechanical knowledge; it is an experiential journey that a person undergoes. If you want to understand, you will understand in any form.

Q40: Does the experience require complete sincerity in the request?

A: It’s not about sincerity in the request or what you present. Sincerity should be instantaneous and intrinsic, without punishment or reward—sincerity free from the past and future, rooted in the present moment, balanced towards the sky, requiring neither time nor experience, just the person's immersion in the now.

Q41: Is the source unconditional love or fundamentally unconscious?

A: I’ve said it before: the source cannot be defined by you because it is the primary identifier. Therefore, stop trying to define and categorize it, as all these definitions and categorizations are part of programming, while the source is free and beyond all this.

Q42: What is the best and quickest way to connect with the self?

A: The best and quickest way to connect with the self is to connect with the now, as the now is your true self. Your true self will not be revealed tomorrow and is not in the past.

Q43: How does the true original source allow for the existence of the narcissistic second source?

A: The original source allowed everything and permitted every being to act as it wishes. The primary programmer established just, unbiased laws for believers and non-believers alike. Those who adhere to these laws will reach their goals, while those who do not will not, and this is the pinnacle of justice—everyone acts and is rewarded according to the law.

Q44: What is the difference between the source and the self?

A: The source is the self.

Q45: Whoever knows themselves knows their Lord.

A: Yes; I do not believe in an external Lord at all. The external Lord is the master of the matrix who demands submission and humiliation, because I do not worship anything that manipulates me with temptations and tricks.

Q46: How can we improve our lives? Should we follow that crazy ambition within us, or is ambition just an illusion and the moment now is the truth?

A: Balance is the wisdom of judgment. Even a person’s walk requires achieving balance between the left and right legs. There is no magic solution; balance must be achieved. I’m not telling you to follow your ambition or abandon it; neither life nor death dominates. What persists is balance and harmony between dualities, not taking one side over the other. You are not compelled to choose a side, and this compulsion is a result of the matrix. The foundation is neutrality.

Q47: I was hospitalized and felt very tired due to heart disease, and I saw you in a waking dream. Did they tell me you are a divine being?

A: Hermes in previous civilizations is the god of knowledge and wisdom, and this may be a spiritual sign or something of that nature.

Q48: May I offer my observation on your last broadcast where you seemed to assert you were right?

A: Thank you for the observation and comment, but I do not open broadcasts to discuss. I have an idea that I present and will only respond if you do not understand the idea; then I will explain it. I have a message that entails speaking about what I know; if you wish to believe it, fine; if not, that’s your choice.

Q49: Are there truly spiritual plants that help with awakening?

A: In my personal opinion, there are no spiritual plants. It is true that some plants have hallucinogenic effects, but they are not related to spiritual awakening.

Q50: How did your spiritual awakening happen?

A: It happened to me since childhood and did not occur suddenly; I have been working on it for ten years. Since my childhood, I have been questioning and searching. There is no sudden spark in the brain that makes you awake all at once. It is the engineering of a grand project that you walk step by step, making progress, taking steps back, getting lost, praying, not praying, doubting, believing, correcting your path... In the end, you achieve and gain experience and awareness of what happened, why it happened, or why it should happen. These are the fruits of spiritual awakening. The beginnings of spiritual awakening are akin to the beginnings of a lost person desperately seeking truth, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose.

Q51: Does each one of us have a unique experience?

A: Of course, this is something natural.

Q52: My question is about reflection; is what happens to us a reflection of what is within us?

A: Reflection is not just the inside reflected on the outside; it can also be the outside reflecting on the inside. The correct understanding is that the inside reflects on the outside, and do not let the outside influence you.

Q53: Is the devil negative thoughts?

A: The devil is not negative thoughts; he is a motivator and a dimension away from the One. The devil we speak of is not Lucifer or Iblis.

Q54: Who created the earth?

A: It was created by the one who created the sky.

Q55: What is the source of ethics?

A: Its source is the ideals that reveal themselves to a person as they undergo material experiences. Humanity has faced these experiences since ancient times, and these experiences connected them to ideals that were already within them. The experiences simply reminded them, leading them to decide not to engage in certain actions, considering it ethical because they remembered the higher ideals.

Q56: Emotions often sicken and sadden us more than they bring us joy, and they are the cause of many diseases. How do you think we should deal with them?

A: Emotions are innocent of all this; the problem lies with those who exploit you through a rigid system. Do not make yourself susceptible to emotional exploitation because this will sicken you, drain your energy, and lead you to live in misery. Be a wise and intelligent person who is not vulnerable to exploitation. Learn what benefits you and what does not; you should not be emotionally numb, but do not allow others to exploit your feelings.

Q57: What are the most important skills that should be taught to children?

A: They should be taught responsibility and not to fear it, as responsibility is what helps them grow and learn quickly, giving them confidence and connection to themselves. Responsibility is a significant matter and one of the most important skills to teach children. Do not raise them as slaves but as responsible beings for themselves and their actions so that nothing stands in their way in life.

Q58: I used to be addicted to courses. What do you think?

A: Nothing can benefit you unless you are receptive to it. Even if you buy a course from the greatest teacher, if your self is not connected to the source, nothing will help you.

Q59: I want to trust myself and my essence.

A: This desire is a trust in yourself. A person who wishes to trust their self is already demonstrating trust. If you did not trust yourself, you would not want to trust it. A defeated person does not even want to trust themselves. Therefore, your will is trust and connection to the true source and your true self. Trust is not acquired frivolously but through experience with the self. It is closer to being forced to do so. In the depths of dark nights, you will find only your self. God will only speak to you through your self.

Q60: This is the law: There is no god but He. It is a rich, interesting, and sincere encounter.

A: Yes, there is no god but He. The source is one within all of us, and within us, meaning internally, not in a specific organ or the body. When we refer to "internally," we mean the spiritual and unseen aspect of a person.

Q61: I face the reality that many people seek divine communication... And through the journey of spiritual awakening, there has been confusion regarding the divine image: Is it the universe, the creator of the universe, the void, or the sky? Is it above or everywhere?

A: The source, or God as an essence, is not everything you mentioned because it is something unknown. When we talk about His creative names or the greatest name that represents the harmony of all names with each other, including the name of the creator, imagine it as a council led by the greatest name, among those seated in the council are the names: the Wise, the Creator, the Shaper... They are a team but, in their interaction with us, they are not one. God did not create you directly with His hand; you were created through the union of male and female or your parents.

If we talk about the ultimate primary source, it is something beyond the universe and nothingness, unknown, and we can symbolize it with zero. As for the greater awareness or the greatest name, the connection with it occurs through the spiritual journey, which is a spiritual calling to find all the divine names and attributes within you. When the names complete within you in certain amounts and harmonize with each other, then you have connected with the consciousness of Christ or divine consciousness, which represents the absolute agent of the source. The source is sacred and transcendent beyond appearance and essence.

Q62: Can you be a creator?

A: You can embody all names, and you can be a creator. People create day and night; you are created by your parents, and there is no creation from nothing. Do not say that God creates from nothing, as creation from nothing is an illogical and non-rational contradiction. The universe, as matter, is not created; it is eternal matter, not created, unlike forms.

Q63: I dreamt that within me, I activated a word called Christ, and at this stage, I was very happy because I had just emerged from a significant crisis, thank God.

A: The consciousness of Christ is what we call the greatest name and the first word. Here, we refer to it as the code or the first symbol.

Q64: Does absolute dependency not serve the individual?

A: Yes, absolute dependency does not serve the individual. I do not disdain these individuals; rather, I pity their situation. But how can you march in an army that kills and slaughters without knowing why you are doing this? You are merely given an order and executed it without understanding its reason, leading to a mental programming that what you are doing is correct. This is unfortunate. Everyone is driven in lines for food and wars, as if individuals have no value or that humans have no worth. Divine engineering and programming exist to comfort humanity, not to control them. The human is the programmer and should not be programmed. In religions, humanity has been given the divine spark or spirit, which in reality means they have been granted the ability to learn, evolve, and self-program.

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