The unity of perfection is the ideal relationship between opposites or contradictions. It is the ideal relationship between black and white, male and female, peace and war. It represents harmony between adversaries and balance. It is justice, balance, and fairness, and it is the ultimate goal that every man seeks to achieve with his woman, that every young person strives to achieve with their elder. It is the aim of every two connected entities in this universe, seeking to achieve the unity of perfection.
Light came from eternity, meeting the infinite, thus realizing the moment and the reality. The human being is at the center, like the center of the unity of perfection. Humanity represents the unity of perfection, meaning that a human being is the perfect link that connects the universe together. Humanity is the encounter where the future meets the past in the present moment. Thus, humans represent the moment or the "now." In other words, humans represent the presence of divine oversight, and divine oversight is consciousness. Humanity embodies consciousness in this existence, as nothing in this universe possesses consciousness except humans. Humans represent the present moment, and thus, they represent the unity of perfection.
Ghosts and Their Relationship with the Night
The succession of night and day is based on a very precise ideal that can be called the unity of perfection, as it is the perfect connection between night and day. As long as the position of humans is the unity of perfection (awareness between the future and the past), the position of ghosts is in the past. The idea of ghosts is always linked to the past, and if the idea of ghosts is connected to the past, it also means it is associated with the night.
The companion (the shadow that accompanies every person) is considered the imaginative side of every human being. The core of the debate between Satan and God revolves around this question: "Why did You choose him (the human) to appear and left me (Satan) to wither away?" This is the essence of the disagreement and the crux of the argument: "Why did he appear, and I did not?" This is why we say that ghosts (companions, jinn...) live in the shadows and draw their strength from the darkness. Hence, there is a strong connection between night and ghosts.
This night we live in is not complete darkness; it is a shadow, not total blackness, due to the presence of the moon and stars illuminating the night. The night is not absolute darkness but rather a shadow.
The essence of the argument between humans and Satan lies in the divine will choosing humans as intermediaries between the earth and the heavens to achieve the connection between earth and sky, past and future, cause and effect. This position of mediation, vicegerency, appearance, and justice.
Satan’s problem is that he wanted to appear, but the divine will excluded him from appearing. Therefore, in every person, you will find the companion (shadow) trying desperately to appear, trying to take the stage. The companion seeks to confuse you, weaken you, and convince you that you do not deserve to appear, and that its thoughts are the ones that deserve to be expressed, and its actions are the ones that should be performed.
The companion tries to undermine your appearance, meaning it aims to undermine the logic that connects you between cause and effect. Logic is the correct mechanism between cause and effect, and the companion intervenes here to offer an alternative solution, especially when it finds you failing or weak in your appearance, logic, or perfection. It intervenes to give an imaginative side to the appearance. Ghosts exploit the opportunity at night to program you and express their point of view.
Insomnia and the Companion's Control
Insomnia and the inability to sleep are common manifestations of the companion’s control over a person, as the companion tries to weave an imaginary life in your mind, deceiving you into thinking you are living a complete life, when in reality, you are not living at all—you are isolated and a failure in the eyes of the universe because you do not do anything.
A complete person has the ability to express the truth, to speak with logic and reason, and to create, produce, and change destinies. The companion, on the other hand, has no such ability, which is why the divine will did not choose it.
Satan is the one who rebelled against the divine will in choosing humans as the means to manifest His names. The light of the sun is yellow, and our sky is blue. The sky would not be blue without humans, just as humans would not exist without the blue sky and these planets and atoms, etc. God chose humans to manifest His will, and God's will is active, logical, and rational, free from any illusion or ambiguity. When humans act, create something, or speak the truth, they emulate God (if this expression is correct) in their actions. Unlike the companion, who offers an illogical, imaginative side, and all of this happens at night.
The solution for anyone dominated by their companion is the light of the sun. The sun eradicates shadows and ghosts. To know if your companion is controlling you or not, go out to see the sun in the morning. If you feel sleepy and lethargic, know that you are reversed, and this indicates that the companion is in control of you. In the natural state of every being, there is flourishing and growth upon seeing the sun and lethargy when the sun goes away. This is a universal law. We find that plants slow their growth and reproduction in winter and the opposite in spring, and there are animals that hibernate in winter, among other similar phenomena in nature. Therefore, rely on the universe to understand wisdom and do not depend on satanic retreats.
Those who do not prefer the sun, the ghost or companion is in control of them. The companion is the one who makes them feel these emotions, and the person is imprisoned in their imagination. The light of the sun eliminates these ghosts. The companion has no power to appear, and this is the greatest proof that my theory about shadow and light is correct, as it can be applied and relied upon in reality.
The Future of the World and Hidden Schemes
Satan's plan to rule is to put everyone in darkness because he has no authority in the light. His only authority in darkness is illusion, outdated beliefs, and deviant tendencies, where he can keep you in darkness and influence you with illusions, making you destroy yourself. He wants humanity to enter into darkness and not come out into the light, because bringing humanity into the light makes his influence disappear immediately.
We find that those dominated by their companions are often distracted, lethargic, pale, easily annoyed, and full of pride. There is a strong correlation between staying up late and arrogance. When their color pales and their blood diminishes due to the draining effect of ghosts during the night, you find that those dominated by the companion do not recognize blood ties within the family... meaning they have issues with parents or siblings and feel a strange aversion to them.
There is also an unmistakable sign: the sick person watches their shadow during the day and cannot stop staring at it, adjusting their walk or sitting position according to the shape of the shadow.
Healing from the control of the companion does not require magical solutions or anything like that. All you need to do is sleep early and wake up early. The key is to correct your relationship with the energy of the sun and the day.