Fake Media and Awakened Individuals


 Media Propaganda and Its Impact on the Individual 

In recent years, we have witnessed an intense surge of media on a global and international level. News constantly flows around the clock; as soon as one story finishes dominating the headlines, another takes its place. When one crisis ends, a new one emerges in its stead, so much so that these reports have become the individual’s main focus, stripping him of his sense of self and reality. His life becomes drawn within an illusory reality, built on the news and false facts reaching him.  

The primary goal of media propaganda is to spread messages and information, most of which are incorrect, with the intention of influencing the recipient. Thus, it confines the individual within a single circle, stripping away his will, canceling his individual worth, distancing him from truths, and making the collective dominate him. He becomes a bound slave to it; this media, political, and social dissolution prevents access to the truths and answers we seek, pushing the individual into a state of time-wasting and grinding, where the wheel of time turns with no benefit, leaving him in a continuous state of waiting—waiting for night to fall, waiting for morning to break, in an endless repetitive cycle from which he cannot escape unless he withdraws and escapes the prison of propaganda.

Withdrawal: The Most Important Step Towards Awakening and Liberation

For those seeking their salvation, withdrawing into oneself is the first step on the path. This withdrawal does not mean complete isolation from the outside, but rather an internal withdrawal or a self-seclusion, where the individual focuses on his own affairs and leaves others to theirs. A person may achieve external seclusion yet remain internally attached and connected, which hinders his journey and keeps him bound. External attachments, like society, media, and even family, create layers around him that prevent reaching his true self. The more he tries to rid himself of them and of preconceived judgments, the more they burden him with new judgments and restrictions, driving him back to society and the traditions of his forefathers, defeated and broken, which is the aim. Therefore, he must cut off and separate internally from the external world initially to begin his path. Once he reaches his salvation, he can return to help others and attend to external matters. For if he cannot save himself, he cannot lend a helping hand to others, for he himself is still drowning.

There is a saying that the seeker of knowledge, philosophy, and spirituality returns mad and having lost his mind. This stems from his starting point and the wrong path he followed in his search for self, where he failed to free himself from restrictions and shells at the outset, remaining internally connected to the external world. The search for self begins with withdrawal and the severing of attachments first; otherwise, things turn against him, leading to negative results. This is why it is wrongly believed that the seeker of self follows the path of shadows and madness, due to starting his journey on an incorrect foundation.

Your Salvation Begins with Caring for Yourself

A common saying among awareness teachers and spiritual guides urges those on the path of awareness and awakening to stop self-flagellation and self-judgment (see the article "Awareness Between the Individual and Society"). This approach can only be applied in reality by ceasing to judge and leave others alone, for judging others is merely judging oneself. When one stops doing this, it reflects back on oneself, achieving the saying: "Have mercy, and you shall receive mercy; release, and you shall be released."

All misfortunes stem from people who abandon their role and mission, instead interfering in others’ roles and missions. They play the critic, the destroyer, under the guise of a well-meaning advisor. Most of this criticism is invalid, as it does not align with the critic's mission. Much of it is negative, non-constructive criticism intended to tear down others and discourage them, motivated by envy. Excessive concern with others’ affairs and neglect of one’s own has led to a false virtue, outwardly calling for advising and caring for others, while inwardly opposing it. This false virtue arises from a person who has neither shown mercy nor kindness to themselves; how then can they offer advice and compassion to others? If everyone attended to their own affairs, humanity’s condition would be better.

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