Divine love is conditional love
God is goodness, beauty, and perfection, and all attributes indicate Him. He created us upon the natural disposition to be in the best stature. God loves us with true love and does not want anything from us because the purpose is to purify us and raise us from defilement to return to Him forever. For this, He set conditions to protect us and preserve ourselves from perishing and destruction, as well as from immersing in darkness and pleasures. Conditions are necessary because they protect us, preserve us, and make us walk toward goodness, keeping us on the right path, making us in the fullness of life and guidance. The Creator created us with millions of conditions so that we may live. Everything God created has a law and a condition to maintain it, as He, the Exalted, says: "Indeed, all things We created with predestination" [Al-Qamar 49]. Thus, God's conditionality is true love for us, leading us to follow His straight path by adhering to His commands and prohibitions and embodying His names and attributes so that we may be in the best state. In His conditions, there is preservation from disarray and deviation from the natural disposition, and a guarantee of reaching all goodness. To represent the benefit of conditionality in daily life, we take traffic laws. They include signs and signals that clarify laws and conditions to regulate the movement of traffic, and we must abide by them. Their goal is to preserve lives and live in peace. Likewise, the love of parents for us is conditional and true. They preserve us and guide us to truth and goodness through conditions, and even punishment reflects their love for us, as it contains correction, guidance, and preservation from loss, just as the laws and conditions God has laid down for us.
That is why God sets conditions and does not accept impurity, deficiency, or evils. And whenever one moves away from Him, His natural disposition, and His laws out of arrogance and pride, He accepts all that is good, beautiful, pure, and adorned with His attributes and names by following His conditions because He loves us and wants us to be purified and return to Him in the most perfect form. He, the Exalted, says: "Whoever desires honor, then to God belongs all honor. To Him ascends the good word, and the righteous deed raises it. But those who plot evil deeds will have a severe punishment, and the plotting of those will perish" [Fatir 10]. God accepts what is pure, of good words and righteous deeds, and does not accept anything less than that. And whoever desires honor, it is from God, and seeking it is from Him alone. This can only be achieved by obeying Him and complying with His conditions because they straighten us.
Iblis and Narcissism
We have previously explained that Iblis chose his ego out of arrogance and pride so as not to humble himself before divine mercy, preferring to be among the lowest. This excessive love for his ego is the embodiment of absolute narcissism. The state of the narcissist is like that of Iblis: you find him loving himself and his own interest more than anything in existence. Even if he tries to interact with others and establish communication with them, he will behave with excessive perfectionism. His known trap is unconditional love and unlimited acceptance, drowning the other party in illusion and confusion, presenting himself as a river of love and good intentions. But all of this is merely a prelude to control them and slowly drain them to achieve his self-sufficiency, which stems from a psychological deficiency and imbalance within him. Thus, his arrogant ego is reinforced, and some of the internal voids are filled. This is why he doesn't care who you are, your essence, or your truth; the goal is to achieve his personal interest at the expense of others. If we examine their relationships, we find no true connections. Unconditional love leads to liberation from bonds and responsibilities, and its only aim is to achieve personal goals, with the other party being merely a temporary means. Therefore, he does not care about their interest or what becomes of them at the end of the journey. Like Iblis, he wants to eat the fruit without following the correct path and conditions. This is the act of the accursed one, who tempts people to eat the fruits without submitting to the gate of conditions. Iblis convinces you that he doesn't care about who you are and convinces you that he forgives you and pardons you no matter what you do, embodying himself as a god and saying, "I am not like Him. I do not burden you with conditions and standards, and I love you unconditionally, embracing you in all your states." He accuses God of narcissism and sadism, which is nothing but a projection of his own flaws onto God.
Conditionality is a Realization of Connection, and Unconditionality is Separation and a Curse
God, in His true love, imposes conditions on you to purify yourself, live according to your natural disposition, and be in the best version of yourself. If the conditions are gone, know that you have lost the connection. This is why the Almighty, All-Wise God has set conditions for you and tasked you according to your ability: "And We do not burden any soul beyond its capacity, and with Us is a Book that speaks the truth, and they will not be wronged" [Al-Mu’minun 62], so that you may connect and pray. If you do not abide by the conditions, you lose the connection, and when you lose the connection, this is the most accurate expression of a curse. Iblis was cursed because he lost the connection with God and spoke with his ego: "He said: What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you? He said: I am better than him; You created me from fire and created him from clay" [Al-A'raf 12]. He refused obedience and submission to the truth, choosing his ego and connecting with his own narcissism. Submitting to conditionality means that you are upright and connected to goodness and the true source. If you lose this uprightness, you have distanced yourself and connected to realms of misguidance and folly, becoming among the distant and cursed. And it is not God who cursed you, but you who distanced and cursed yourself.
One of the Outcomes of Unconditional Love is Severing the Connection with the Origin
If you believe in the idea of unconditional love, you will not accept the conditions that God has set for you to return to Him. You will accuse Him of falsehood and disbelief, claiming that He is a false god. You will search for another god who accepts you with your sins, baseness, and all the negative traits that do not befit the human being who is entrusted. This god you are searching for is none other than Iblis. The byproducts of unconditional love also appear in severing the relationships with parents, who symbolize the origin. The Exalted says:"And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age while with you, say not to them [so much as], 'uff,' and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word" [Al-Isra 23]. You blame them because they did not love you unconditionally, did not accept you with your mistakes, and tried to guide you. This severance, as we have explained in previous articles, is the goal of Iblis and his followers. They cut you off from your origin and connect you with illusions and phantoms, causing you to drown in dimensions and disarray until you curse yourself.